3 June 2022
Congratulations to the team on winning the Audience Best Solution Award at the SDG Challenge yesterday, well done!
Adnan Abdulkafi Al-Eryani
Anshita Gupta
Ksenia Avakyan
Jolene Ekuam
Radhika Ralhan
Bas Geerts
Sandra Kraaij
Mirjam Ruiten
Maastricht School of Management
Cefetra B.V. / Cefetra Feed Service B.V.
It was inspiring to see all the innovative sustainable solutions to different challenges. Thank you Joris van Santen Soapbox SDG Nederland for organizing this SDG-Challenge. Great to be part of it and we are looking forward to welcoming a new challenge!

Tracomex Group enters new collaboration with Zijderlaan & Cefetra BV continues successful partnership!

Your career at Cefetra