Meet the team | Sustainability
12 June 2024

Meet the team | Sustainability

It’s time again for our monthly ‘Meet the sustainability team’ series, where we will introduce our global Cefetra Group team members and how they are contributing to our impactful initiatives!

This time in the spotlight: Caroline van Heugten, Manager Communications & NBD at Cefetra Dairy B.V.:
“I have always had a connection with dairy as I have several dairy farmers in my family. I truly believe that dairy provides essential nutritional value to our diet, but I also see the need to develop our practices to ensure food security in the future. I am particularly interested in regenerative farming, as it considers the ecosystems around the farm. My goal is to help shape a sustainable and resilient dairy industry.”

Stay tuned to learn more about our journey!

2024 Meet the team sustainability CAROLINE VAN HEUGTEN